Thursday, June 19, 2014

Why Elken?

Hi all. I'm sure by now you know that I am involved in Elken... Yeah... yeah... the negative stigmas are back... I know most of you probably are tired to even hear about MLM business opportunity and are probably tired of listening to the cliche success stories..

I'm gonna try to do it differently by sharing the top 2 reasons why most people fail to be successful in any MLM ventures they have tried before.


Success in any MLM business depends on how successful you are able to DUPLICATE THE SYSTEM. Failure in doing so is the main factor why YOU did not succeed in the first place. When I say DUPLICATE.. I mean 100% DUPLICATION in the way you talk, the way you share and the information you provide to your prospects. Even the slightest variation in the presentation format or information sharing process would damage your chances to succeed.


Which part of Network Marketing don't you understand? Its all about utilizing the strength of your network or team to succeed as a whole. I know some of you might feel that you are a heck of a salesman (I was guilty of that too in the past) but understand that the business plan & strategies of an MLM depends highly on multiplying your income through your networks. My advice to you.. PINJAM KUASA!

Now, let me tell you WHY ELKEN...better yet, just let me show you. Click or copy the link to your browser.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Salu je org btanya mana investment yg tbaik dan pling untung ye...
Dan ak pun mengkaji mcm2 marketing plan xkire la product bank or product company2 luar....and Now ak dh de jwpnnya... 
- kalau ASB, bru dpt 8% utk tempoh setahun (i.e 100kx8%=8k)
- kalau Unit trust, dpt la RM3K-5K setahun...tu pun ak masuk Islamic fund..still volatile...
- kalau main saham, as remiser bleh la....klu x, mmg kene jiwa kental punye...naik harga, bestla, turun harga?? hangussss duet.....
- kalau Forex, dh konfem haram....pastu fluctuate giler2 punye...
- Nak invest duet kat bisnes plak? bisnes pe yg pling utg?
-----> tudung online? tak terkejarlaaaa dgn fesyen2 yg fast change ni...
-----> baju/sluar/per-love item?? tamaulah beli in bulk...sumer saiz kene sapu beli....pastu klu x abes sape nk pkai?
-----> bniaga pasar malam...takpela, nnt hujan lebat sy xmampu nak redah...bsejuk dan kelam kabut susun brg2...
hummm.....jd ape yg jd pilihan?
Semestinya CBP PLus! ape tueee??? Program Pembangunan Usahawan.
PM me for details.
Limit- hanya 8 shj kekosongan. Open for interview. TQ.


Assalamualaikum and welcome to all those visiting the page. 

Firstly allow me to thank you for your visit to my humble blog. As the name suggests, its a blog about my journey to gain better health. I used to be big... diagnosed as obese level 2, I've tried a lot of things including going to the gym. Don't get me wrong. exercise is still the best way to loose the extra kgs, but when you are as big as me, most of the time, it gets to you. 

For those who are exercise enthusiast I say "Keep it up!" but just in case some of you had suffered like I did, let me help you to loose weight more effectively and most importantly safely without bursting your pocket.